Angela Pellegrino Missaglia

Coordinator, Sindirações - Brazilian Feed Industry Association.


  • Workshop 3 - IFIF IFRM workshop 'Sharing good feed Manufacturing practices globally - practical applications'

    Tuesday 19 April 16:45 - 17:15

    IFIF FAO Feed Manual of Good Practices - Practical Applications


    Angela Pellegrino Missaglia is an independent consultant and has been involved in different projects in the area of feed and food safety. She has 30 years of experience in quality control and quality assurance and different certification schemes. More recently, she has been involved in risk analysis and risk assessments training and standard development programmes in Latin America and Africa. She is a trainer on quality standards for industry, labs and regulators. She also supported the Brazilian on the “Intergovernmental Codex Task Force on Animal Feeding”, she is a member of the Brazilian Codex Working Group on Residues of Veterinary Drugs, a consultant to the STDF (Standards and Trade Development Facility) Feedlatina project and a training coordinator for BTSF (Better Training for Safer Food)  risk analysis in Brazil. Angela developed and instructed the training modules for the IFIF Capacity Development Pilot Project in Nigeria. Angela is  a Chemical Engineer and MSc in Food Engineering and has attended University of Campinas, University of São Paulo, Utrecht University, Texas AM University for different courses in the feed and food safety, lab systems as well as risk assessment.