Workshop 3 - IFIF IFRM workshop 'Sharing good feed Manufacturing practices globally - practical applications'
Tuesday 19 April 17:15 - 17:45
Method of Analysis towards feed safety
Dr. Christoph von Holst works at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Geel (Belgium). He studied chemistry and received his doctor degree in analytical chemistry from the Technical University Munich (Germany). In 1997 he joined the JRC, working on various topics of feed analysis such as the determination meat and bone meal, dioxins and banned veterinary drugs in feed. Since 2003 he is operating manager of the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for feed additives. The major objective is to evaluate the analytical methods submitted by applicants asking for authorisation of feed additives. He has also been actively involved in European projects dealing with the development and validation of analytical methods. He is very much interested in statistical data treatment used within the frame of interlaboratory validation studies and applied for the application of spectroscopic techniques. He has published about 75 peer reviewed papers.