Dr. Jean Noblet

Director of Research, INRA - Institut National de la Recherchje Agronomique


  • Plenary 5 - Animal Nutrition

    Wednesday 20 April 09:00 - 09:15

    Recent advances in energy and protein evaluation of poultry and pig feeds


    Jean Noblet has been working at INRA in France since 1977 and is located near Rennes (Brittany) as Director of Research. He commenced at INRA after Master of Science, Ingénieur Agronome and PhD degrees at the University of Paris and National Institute of Agronomy in Paris. In 2000, he received the "Non-ruminant Nutrition Award" of the American Society of Animal Science. He has authored or co-authored about 200 reviewed papers or book chapters, about 400 communications and 2 worldwide softwares used in pig production, InraPorc and EvaPig. His research has concerned energy and protein nutrition of swine and, more recently, of poultry and calves with major achievements in calorimetry methods, evaluation of energy content of pig feeds, factorial quantification and modelling of energy requirements in pigs, calves or poultry and thermoregulation of pigs. He was the Head of the "Pig Research Unit" (30 researchers; 100 employees) in St-Gilles, near Rennes (France) from 2003 to 2011 and the Editor-in-Chief of Animal journal from 2012 to 2014.