Stefano Soro

Head of Unit Animal Nutrition & Veterinary Medicinal Products, DG SANTE, European Commission


  • FEFAC Session 1: Livestock: the key in the Circular Economy concept / The food & feed industry global and European perspective

    Thursday 21 April 11:40 - 12:00

    The European Commission approach on the Circular Economy / Policy perspective on impact on EU livestock and feed production


    Stefano Soro was born in Genoa, Italy. He holds a degree in Management and Economics with a major in human resources management from Università Bocconi, Milan. After working in the HR department of a multinational company, he joined the European Commission in 1994, serving in a variety of posts in Eurostat, the Enterprise and Industry Directorate General, the Secretariat-General and the Health and Consumers DG. From 2006 to January 2012 he headed the "Product and service safety" Unit, responsible for non- food consumer safety issues. He chaired the International Consumer Product Safety Caucus, an international network of product safety regulators. In February 2012 he became the Head of the "Medicinal products - quality, safety and efficacy" Unit in the Health systems and products Directorate. On 1 February 2016 he became Head of the new "Animal nutrition, veterinary pharmaceuticals" Unit in the Food and feed safety, innovation Directorate of the Health and Food Safety DG.